
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Whole Wheat Penne Primavera (Meat-Free for Lenten Fridays)

I tried out another recipe from my Turbo Fire recipe book a while back, and sort of forgot about it.  But since we're about halfway through Lent, and it happens to be a meatless dish, I thought I'd share it in case anyone needs a tasty meat-free meal idea for this coming Friday.

Now, the way I prepared this meal is a bit differently from the original recipe, mostly because of what I had on hand in my refrigerator.  So I'll give you the run down of what I did when I made it.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Chocolate Devil's Food Cupcakes (Cupcake of the Month Series #3)

We celebrated my cousin's birthday this weekend, and it was the perfect occasion to make the chocolate devil's food cupcakes from my Martha Stewart Cupcakes calendar.

Mine ended up looking nothing like the picture on the calendar or the recipe card.  This is either because my ganache frosting hadn't thickened enough by the time I had to head out for the party, or because the frosting in the picture is actually a chocolate buttercream.

Either way it was fantastically delicious, and I have twelve (plus the extra ganache) leftover in my freezer.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Caprese Pizza from Pampered Chef (Meat-Free for Lenten Fridays)

In case you didn't know, The Pampered Chef has a variety of absolutely awesome cookbooks.  A cousin of mine had a Pampered Chef party back in November, and I bought their "29 Minutes or Less" cookbook.  I've tried several recipes, and plan to try several more, because the fact that I can eat these meals within a half hour of starting to prepare them is very attractive during the work week.

The Caprese pizza recipe has proven to be one of the "old reliable" recipes of the ones I've tried so far.  With the onset of the Lenten season, and thus the need for meatless Friday meals, I jumped all over this particular pizza last week because, lets face it, you can only stand pasta with marinara sauce or frozen fish chunks for so long.

I do deviate from the original recipe a bit, but not much.  Here's what I do.

Monday, March 5, 2012

High Fiber Breakfast Muffins

I'm sort of on a bit of a healthy food kick, or at least I'm trying to be (don't let all the dessert posts fool you).  The other day I decided to try making the high fiber breakfast muffins from the recipe book that comes with the Chalene Extreme workout program, to use up some ingredients I had around the house and to switch it up from the fiber bars I've been munching on for a week or so now.