
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Unplanned hiatus of sorts...

I realized the other day that I've only posted once since getting home from our fantabulous vacation earlier this month. And then I felt really bad, because one of my long standing blogger goals is to post at least four recipes a month. Of course, if you look at the archives, 2013 hasn't gone much in that direction. Geez, I even missed Julia Child's birthday!

So what's the deal with my unplanned hiatus? Well, like I said, the hubs and I took a great vacation to New England, which involved the eating of lobsters and the watching of whales. And there's a place in Newport, Rhode Island, called Cold Fusion, which has the best gelato I've had on this side of the Atlantic. It's seriously up in the air whether or not the gelato I had in Italy was better because I was eating it in Italy.

Plus I'm moving to a new grade level this year. And a new building. So there's the prep for that. Plus lots of training on the new Common Core curricula for ELA and math. Busy, busy, busy.

I do have several recipes on the back burner, and though it sounds counter-intuitive, once school starts and I can get myself back into a regular routine, the tasty things will return. Promise.

In the meantime, I offer you this Buzzfeed article in which you can drool over lots of frosting being swiped, piped, drizzled, and poured over myriad confections.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Sweet Cherry Crisp

If strawberries herald in the start of summer around here, nothing says midsummer to me like a bowl full of cherries.

Sweet cherries, to be precise.

Often, dessert recipes that call for cherries mean sour cherries, like what I'd use to make a delicious tart cherry pie. But sweet cherries deserve their due. They're really good for you, and don't require as much sugar as sour cherries do.

I found this recipe for cherry crisp in the Reader's Digest Fight Back With Food recipe book, and with a little tweaking, I made it my own.

Here's how.