
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Easy Cheesy Cornbread

I've always been a fan of cornbread, but other than a handful of times when I've opened a boxed mix, I haven't made it very often.

All that changed when my sister-in-law (who lives in San Antonio - beautiful city, by the way) gave us Classic Tex Mex and Texas Cooking for Christmas a couple years ago.  I haven't had a chance to dive too far into these regional recipes, but the "Plain Ole Cornbread" recipe has become something of a standby.

I decided to give it a little bit of a cheesy twist.  It came out moist and so very cornbread-y.

It's really a very basic recipe, and you could probably add any flavors you like - chili powder, garlic, maybe drizzle with honey or maple syrup.  (Incidentally, the basic cornbread - sans cheese - is amazing with homemade sugar plum jam.)

I apologize in advance for most of these pictures.  The sun decided to shine directly into my kitchen window when I was making this.

The basic cornbread goes like this.  Start by combining a cup of flour, a cup of cornmeal (I used white cornmeal because, to my chagrin, Walmart happened to be out of yellow cornmeal when I went shopping for it last, but it tastes the same), 1/4 cup of sugar, and 4 teaspoons of baking powder, and 3/4 teaspoons of salt.

Add 2 eggs and a 1/4 cup of oil.

Whisk it all together until it's smooth.

That's the basic recipe.  Here's where I got a little creative.

Add about a cup of shredded cheese - cheddar, pepper jack, or a blend, whatever you like.  I used just a Mexican blend.

Stir it in, then pour the mixture into a greased 9x13 inch pan.

Bake on 375 degrees for thirty minutes until the cornbread is golden brown.

I recommend cutting and serving the cornbread when it's warm.  As it cools it has a slight tendency to stick to the pan (especially if you haven't greased the pan well enough).

If you wanted to get a really cheesy flavor, you could sprinkle a layer of shredded cheese over the top of the cornbread during the last five minutes of baking.

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